

One of these days I was walking by  Rua Garrett  at  Chiado  and I was invited to come into the  Tous  store. I had never been there be...

One of these days I was walking by Rua Garrett at Chiado and I was invited to come into the Tous store. I had never been there before but I was really curious to see how it was on the inside, mostly because of in this location it used to be Ourivesaria Aliança.
Ourivesaria Aliança was a traditional Lisbon's jewelry that started in 1909 and had 103 years of existence and history.
The motive I was invited to go inside was because Tous was celebrating LOVE, it's new fragrance that I loved and truly recommend!  

Here are some pictures that I took that afternoon. The quality isn't that great because they were taken with my phone and edited on instagram

Num destes dias passeava pela rua Garret, no Chiado, quando fui convidada a entrar na loja Tous. Nunca lá tinha entrado antes, mas estava curiosa para ver o seu interior, sobretudo porque neste mesmo local havia estado a Ourivesaria Aliança.
A Ourivesaria Aliança era uma ourivesaria tradicionalmente lisboeta, "nascida" em 1909 que teve 103 de história e existência. 
O motivo pelo qual fui convidada a entrar foi que, naquele dia, a TOUS celebrava o amor/LOVE, a sua nova fragância, que adorei e recomendo, verdadeiramente! 

Aqui estão algumas fotografias que tirei naquela tarde. A qualidade não é a melhor, pois foram tiradas com o telemóvel e editadas no instagram.

So my tip is: everyday is a day to celebrate love and every celebrations should be loved!

A minha dica: todos os dias são dias para celebrar o amor e todas as celebrações deverão ser amadas! 


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