

  On the 29 th of June I walked only a few steps far from Marquês do Pombal and Avenida to encounter an eye-catching event: the Let...

On the 29th of June I walked only a few steps far from Marquês do Pombal and Avenida to encounter an eye-catching event: the Letters Matters Opening. While I walked inside the venue I started feeling affinity with this new library, not only for the story that was shared with me when I received the invitation, but also for the feeling this place was giving me.

A simple space with immensities to say. Every corner is a corner, and all of them have a different purpose depending on its motivation or the reactions it wants to create: ‘body and soul’, ‘meditation’, ‘fascinating’ and so on.  

Above all, everything started as an endeavour to the Men of recovering their wisdom (literature) and combating the foolishness of today’s brain exercises and worries: social media and the distractions associated with smartphones.  This is a place to switch that button off and find ourselves like Florentin Bosse (the founder of Letters Matters) did while making a journey that changed his life.

Florentin Bosse

Bosse a Romanian born in Germany, at a point of his life decided to detach himself from the chaos of the modern days and embraced in a journey that many defend to be overwhelming and life changing: the famous Camino Del Santiago. Despite of walking thousands of steps from Germany to his destination, he did not suffer any metamorphosis. Instead, he decided to keep walking, because the problem could be ‘not having walked enough’. And that was what he did, he kept walking until a music stopped him in a little Portuguese village, which name he cannot recall. That music penetrated his heart and made a mature man burst into tears in the middle of the street. Florentin immediately felt emotionally connected with this country and with the caring people that in the street tried to help him and cheer him up. As a consequence, he decided to do something for the others… Opened a space in Lisbon where people could feel at home.

Letters Matters does not have the intention of being a ‘business’ as Florentin confessed to me. Above all, this must be a place for people to connect with themselves.

The only thing that I have left to say is: grab a book, ask for a cup of tea or a glass of wine and practice the good habit (read), because letters matters!



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