
Good morning! I hope you all had a very joyful Christmas! However, the celebrations are not over yet! The winner of Pelcor ...

Good morning! I hope you all had a very joyful Christmas! However, the celebrations are not over yet! The winner of Pelcor & Simplicity is Chic giveaway is Marko Nedic from Germany! Congratulations Marko! Bom dia! Espero que tenham todos tido um Natal bastante alegre! No entanto, as celebrações ainda não terminaram! O vencedor do sorteio Pelcor & Simplicity is Chic é o Marko Nedic da Alemanha! Parabéns Marko! Thanks to all the participants! Obrigada a todos os que participaram! Merry everything, happy always! Em ...

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Daily we are bombarded with unfortunate news from all over the world, for instance the recently hijacked plane in Malta , or the Berlin...

Daily we are bombarded with unfortunate news from all over the world, for instance the recently hijacked plane in Malta, or the Berlin horrifying terror attack, not to mention the non-ending wars! 2016 has been an intense year and this Christmas period is from far peaceful. My heart couldn’t be more upset and broken with all this tragedies… We have been battling for peace, but the problem resides precisely on the battles. This Christmas I wish you Merry everything, carrying with me a gift box full of hope and an impossible to defeat smile! Diariamente somos bombardeados com...

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Since the day I met Eva Lima she became one of my style inspirations , we met recently at an opening and her presence was so st...

Since the day I met Eva Lima she became one of my style inspirations, we met recently at an opening and her presence was so strong that immediately made me curious about who she is. Googling someone is not enough, especially if that individual is somewhat related with the luxury industry, they always try to keep a low profile on the Media. However, low profile wouldn’t be the word that I would personally use to describe Eva Lima, she is a remarkable person and wherever she goes Eva can make any jaw drop! All of this, is not...

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When you are a full-time master’s student like me, there isn’t much time left for you to get properly ready to a fashion event or an open...

When you are a full-time master’s student like me, there isn’t much time left for you to get properly ready to a fashion event or an opening. My life lately is described as: being on the go all the time! Many people ask me: how can I manage to be at university in one moment and in the other be at an opening in the city centre. The answer is simple: I am always prepared! How? Keep reading! Quando se é um aluno de mestrado, a tempo inteiro, como eu, não sobra muito tempo para nos prepararmos, adequadamente,...

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In last September , Pelcor celebrated the opening of its first eco-friendly concept store , in Lisbon. No passado mês de Setemb...

In last September, Pelcor celebrated the opening of its first eco-friendly concept store, in Lisbon. No passado mês de Setembro, a Pelcor inaugurou a sua primeira loja com um conceito eco-friendly, em Lisboa.  The brand emerged from the cork industry, in São Brás de Alportel, Portugal. It’s  history begins with  Novacortiça,  S.A.,  a  producer  of  natural  cork  discs  for  Champaign  bottles. Unexpectedly, the idea of creating the Pelcor brand arose in 2003, with the development of an umbrella fully made by cork leather, which was exhibited during an event where Novacortiça, S.A. was participating. The umbrella was such...

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How to surprise someone who already has everything? And how to keep them interested and loyal to your store? These questions seems the ...

How to surprise someone who already has everything? And how to keep them interested and loyal to your store? These questions seems the introduction of one of my classes of the MSc Management with Specialization in Marketing, but instead are the introduction to a real case where most of the approaches I am studying are applied. Como surpreender alguém que já tem tudo? Como manter o interesse e lealdade dos mesmos à nossa loja? Estas questões parecem ser uma introdução às minhas aulas do mestrado de Gestão com especialização em Marketing, no entanto são a a introdução a...

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  On the 29 th of June I walked only a few steps far from Marquês do Pombal and Avenida to encounter an eye-catching event: the Let...

  On the 29th of June I walked only a few steps far from Marquês do Pombal and Avenida to encounter an eye-catching event: the Letters Matters Opening. While I walked inside the venue I started feeling affinity with this new library, not only for the story that was shared with me when I received the invitation, but also for the feeling this place was giving me. A simple space with immensities to say. Every corner is a corner, and all of them have a different purpose depending on its motivation or the reactions it wants to create:...

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