Follow me on Instagram @simplicityischic Hey everybody! Tons of news are yet to come, but for now I just want to wish you a happy and healthy holiday. Merry Christmas! Olá a todos! Toneladas de novidades estão ainda por contar, mas por agora quero apenas desejar-vos um Natal feliz e cheio de saúde. Feliz Natal! ❅Happy holidays!❅ Em. ...
11.11.15At the Lincoln Memorial . Washington, DC . Hello everybody! It is true, I took a very long holiday from my blog, but I haven’t qu...
At the Lincoln Memorial. Washington, DC. Hello everybody! It is true, I took a very long holiday from my blog, but I haven’t quit on “Simplicity is Chic”. I am already back to Portugal, although I want you to know everything about my experience in the United States of America! In fact, my trip was awe-inspiring and I came back with several new ideas and different projects in mind. Since I got back to Lisbon, I already went to Berlin, Germany (a journey related to my experience in the USA as well). Likewise, an amazing trip which I...
23.8.15DAY # 6 Time Travel! On the 7 th of July, I and my European colleagues went on a field trip to Oregon Trail sites though the Pot...
DAY # 6 Time Travel! On the 7th of July, I and my European colleagues went on a field trip to Oregon Trail sites though the Pottowatomie Country. This was one of the very first contacts we had with the creation of the American Culture. Also while we were at the Trail, listening to ours instructors’ narrations about what had happened there, it almost seemed like we were travelling in time. No dia 7 de Julho, juntamente com os meus colegas europeus partimos para uma jornada nos Caminhos de Oregon (“Oregon Trail”), pelo campo de Pottowatomie. Este foi...
16.8.15This post is based on a Sustainability and Pollution Prevention class, lectured by David Carter a member the Pollution Prevention ...
This post is based on a Sustainability and Pollution Prevention class, lectured by David Carter a member the Pollution Prevention Institute at Kansas State University (and also a SUSI instructor). This lecture surely convinced all the European Student Leaders of how real numbers and the right data make a difference in a decision taking. In 2012, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory developed a life cycle analysis of the energy that was used for electrical generation and transportation in the USA. The sources of energy for this processes included: biomass (4.55%); coal (18.32%); geothermal energy (0.24%); hydro energy (2.83%); natural gas (27.37%); nuclear (8.48%); petroleum (36.53%); Solar energy (0.25%); wind (1.43%); 61% of the energy produced...
HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TO ME! | 12/8/2015
14.8.15Thank you all for your Happy Birthday wishes! I couldn’t be happier! This year has been extraordinary and I have been living so many fa...
Thank you all for your Happy Birthday wishes! I couldn’t be happier! This year has been extraordinary and I have been living so many fantastic moments, with amazing people. My face is gloomy because every day I realise that we cannot live the same moment twice. Time is irreversible. So we should try to live as much as possible every day! Be unique! I want everybody to be unique! Life is unique and unique is life! Obrigada a todos pelos desejos de Feliz Aniversário! Não poderia estar mais feliz! Este tem sido um ano extraordinário e tenho vivido...
6.8.15The European Student Leaders at David Carter's house in Manhattan, KS . On the 3rd of July we spent the afternoon getting r...
The European Student Leaders at David Carter's house in Manhattan, KS. On the 3rd of July we spent the afternoon getting ready for the celebrations of the Independence Day. I got perplexed when I was told that we had a budget of $300 to spend ONLY in fireworks, and believe me fireworks are really cheap! I wondered what was so special about it that magnetized all Americans. There were several firework tents cropping up all over; flags everywhere, in every street and almost everything was white, red and blue (the colours of the American flag). No dia três...