
HAIR OPENING 24/06/2014

On 24th of June I had a hair salon opening - the Hair , Rui Canento hair salon. Rui Canento is a young hairstylist that since early ...

On 24th of June I had a hair salon opening - the Hair, Rui Canento hair salon.
Rui Canento is a young hairstylist that since early worked for TV taking care of our dearest and adored portuguese public figures as Aurea, Bárbara Guimarães, Hérman José, Sónia Távares and so many others.
He worked in shows as "A Casa dos Segredos", "Ídolos", "O Homem que Mordeu o Cão", "Portugal tem talento" and others.
The opening was amazing and counted with Rui closest friends, bloggers, fashionistas and some public figures. The theme was Gin Party but what really emerged was the charming environment of the space and the cute epoque customs of the bartenders. See the pictures.Unfortunately I am not in Lisbon right now and I forgot my camera there. So when I return to Lisbon I'll publish my pics of the space.
Wanda Stuart singing

Hérman José, Sónia Tavares, Rui Canento and Nazaré.

With Rui you will be in the best hands!

PHOTOS by Diogo Luís
WHERE Rua Garret nº 10, Lisbon
WHEN 24th June 2014

(Portuguese version is coming soon)


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