
I bet that for many times you though about how you would be/look after making a big change, but you never did it because you were afraid ...

I bet that for many times you though about how you would be/look after making a big change, but you never did it because you were afraid of the result(s)! People always told be that they would loved to see me with fringe or with short hair or even with blond hair or with an afro. Well, at the last press day of Showpress I tried it all and I really cleared my mind: I love my self as I am! But I had a lot of fun. Look: Aposto que por diversas vezes pensaram em fazer mudanças drásticas, mas nunca...

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Hey, hey! Remember that  Thursday (29 of May)  when I went to  Showpress's Press Day? Here comes the second part of my small feed...

Hey, hey! Remember that Thursday (29 of May) when I went to Showpress's Press Day? Here comes the second part of my small feedback about it! Lembram-se do post que fiz sobre a quinta-feira, 29 de Maio, quando estive presente no pressday da Showpress? Aqui vem a segunda parte do meu pequeno feedback sobre o pressday! BARBOUR Rustic and charming are the words that describe this collection. Ideal for making you look smart but comfortable in daily outdoor events and activities in the country (or not).  Oh! And I almost forgot: very committed in vintage decoration accessories! Don't you love this camera? ...

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A synopsis from the New York times review by A. O. Scott: For the original version, CLICK HERE . "[...] yes, a Wes Anderson ...

A synopsis from the New York times review by A. O. Scott: For the original version, CLICK HERE. "[...] yes, a Wes Anderson movie, and hooray for that. At the moment, there are very few American filmmakers with the ability to articulate such an original, idiosyncratic vision and the means to express that vision so freely. [...]This is a movie concerned with — and influenced by — an especially rich and complicated slice of 20th-century European culture, and therefore a reckoning, characteristically playful but also fundamentally serious, with some very ugly history. [...]On the surface, there is a...

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THE OTHER BLOGS: There is something that I really like doing: reading and commenting other's blog.  Not only for watching what my ...

THE OTHER BLOGS: There is something that I really like doing: reading and commenting other's blog.  Not only for watching what my blogger friends are up to, but too to inspire and see what are the news around the blogosphere.  When I am off my blog I never have this perception but today when I was analysing my reading list (of blogs) I noticed that there were a lot of blogs that were off for a long time or that had been removed.   I had to upload my list (reducing it), what is a shame! When I am off I never notice...

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Hey, hey! This Thursday (29 of May) I had the Showpress's Press Day .  My feedback about it and about the brands that were expos...

Hey, hey! This Thursday (29 of May) I had the Showpress's Press Day.  My feedback about it and about the brands that were exposed is good (great to be honest). I am not going to talk about all in this post because if I did this post would never end! To begin: It was in Showpress's showroom and the brand exhibited were: 2122 Haird Medica, 55DSL, Aristocrazy, Barbour, Carhartt WIP, Carlos Gil, Diesel, Fine & Candy, Fly London, Gant, Griffe Hairstyle, Goldmud, Happy Socks, Lacoste, Lion of Porches, Luis Onofre, Melissa, Miguel Vieira, Nuno Baltazar, OitoEmPonto, Óticas OCR, Old Scooter,...

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